Archives - AZ Clinical Trials

The Value of Vaccine Research

There is no denying the immense value of vaccine research on public health. While scientific research and advancements in vaccine technology may not always be visible. They have undoubtedly have made an impact on our society. Learn more about the vaccine research process and the importance of their continuance in our latest blog! Vaccines – The Development Process The vaccine development and approval process are highly regulated to ensure safety and efficacy. The first step is the preclinical stage, where vaccines are tested on animals. If successful, the vaccine moves on to clinical trials, which are conducted in four phases. In phase one, the vaccine is given to a small group of volunteers to test for safety and determine dosage. Phase two involves a larger group of people and tests for effectiveness and side effects. Now, phase three involves a much larger group of people and is used to confirm the vaccine’s safety and overall effectiveness. Next, if the vaccine is successful in all three phases, it can then be submitted for FDA approval. In phase four, drugs that have already been approved by regulatory agencies are put to further testing in larger and more diverse patient populations. Providing important data on any unexpected adverse effects, patient adherence, and practical applications in real-world settings. How Do Clinical Trials Contribute to Vaccine Development? Clinical trials are the essential ingredient in the recipe for vaccine development. Without them, researchers would not be able to evaluate the efficacy of a potential vaccine on a large scale. Clinical trials are the bridge between the lab and the community. They are meticulously designed and monitored to obtain reliable data on vaccine performance. Then once a vaccine passes the clinical trial stage, it can go to the market to benefit the masses. The Impact of Vaccine Research Immunizations have been a game-changer in public health, with vaccines preventing an estimated 4 million deaths yearly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Every vaccine available today is the product of years of thorough testing. The value of vaccine research cannot be overstated. With new and emerging diseases constantly threatening global health, it’s more important than ever to invest in developing effective vaccines. In addition to saving millions of lives per year, vaccines have the power to prevent diseases from spreading and protect vulnerable individuals from potentially deadly infections. Furthermore, vaccine research allows us to better understand the ways in which viruses and diseases spread and how our bodies respond to them. This knowledge is invaluable as it can lead to new treatments and prevention strategies. Clinical trials and vaccine development are the perfect pair, with each playing a crucial role in making sure we are one step closer to eradicating infectious diseases! Are you ready to make a difference? Take a shot at vaccine trials now enrolling at Arizona Clinical Trials! Visit our website to learn more about how you can participate. Making a change tomorrow starts with today! Resources:

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Give back through volunteering

Volunteering: The Gift the Keeps on Giving

One of the best things about the holiday season is that goodwill towards others takes it up a notch as people race to pay it forward. The desire to give back is a perfect segue into volunteering in a clinical research study. Here at Arizona Liver Health, our mission is to advance the care of those impacted by liver disease. Volunteering in research studies is the gift that keeps on giving. Here’s why. What is a Clinical Research Study? Research studies are the primary way to determine if a new drug, device, vaccine, or therapeutic approach is safe and effective in people. Each potential new option may provide a treatment path where none existed previously. They may also be the same as or more effective than other available options or they hope to offer a new way to detect or prevent a specific medical condition. After extensive laboratory testing, they move on to be analyzed in clinical research studies. Volunteers of all ages, ethnicities, and genders are necessary for these studies to see how these work in the human body. Those with the condition the study aims to treat and those generally in good health are needed. The FDA regulates and monitors studies over every research phase and must have their approval before becoming available to the public. How Can I Sign Up as a Volunteer? Each study has specific criteria that determine the ideal candidate for which the trial was designed. While you may not be the right candidate for one study, others may be a better fit. Once you apply, the medical team will then contact you and gather all pertinent information. Qualified candidates then move on to the informed consent process and so forth. Any that are not a good fit have the option of being alerted of future studies or looking into other options. Advancing Medicine and Beyond Advancing medicine is a way to give back that never runs out or expires. Qualified candidates may also gain access to new options not publicly available that may be as good as or better than what is available now. Our medical staff’s expert care ensures you are prioritizing your health while learning more about your condition. Oftentimes, reimbursements for time and travel may be available for those who qualify—making it a great way to earn some extra cash around the holidays. Volunteering in clinical research studies isn’t the right decision for everyone. We would love to answer any questions you may have for those wanting to know more about our studies here at Arizona Liver Health. To view a listing of current studies, a brief overview of each is available on our website’s study page. Or, give us a call today at (480) 470-4000.   References:

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